
How did Refugio Texas get its name?

How did Refugio Texas get its name?

In 1795 the site was chosen for the mission by Father Silva and named, Nuestra Senora Del Refugio or Our Lady of Refuge. The site was chosen for its grazing, possibilities for raising corn, beans and other vegatables. As a result of the Indians disinterest in the mission, it was deserted for a long period of time.

How do locals pronounce Llano?

Llano is Spanish for “plains,” and the double L is pronounced as a Y. However the common pronunciation of Llano by the locals is LAN-OH.

What kind of name is Refugio?

as a boys’ name is of Spanish and Latin origin, and the meaning of Refugio is “shelter”. From the Latin word “refugium”.

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What happened in Refugio Texas?

The Battle of Refugio was fought from March 12–15, 1836, near Refugio, Texas. Mexican General José Urrea and 1,500 Centralista soldiers fought against Amon B. The battle, a part of the Goliad Campaign of the Texas Revolution, resulted in a Mexican victory and splintered Texan resistance.

Where is Llano River in Texas?

The Llano River ( LAN-oh) is a tributary of the Colorado River, approximately 105 miles (169 km) long, in central Texas in the United States. It drains part of the Edwards Plateau in Texas Hill Country northwest of Austin.

What kind of fish are in the Llano River?

One of the best things about the Llano River is the wide variety of fish that you can catch. There is obviously Guadalupe Bass, Largemouth Bass, Rio Grande Perch, a wide variety of sunfish, Spotted Gar, and a couple different types of Carp.

What does the name Refugio mean?

Meaning of Refugio: Name Refugio in the Spanish origin, means One who is a refuge.

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What does the nickname Cuca mean?

Meaning of Cuca: Name Cuca in the Spanish origin, means A gambling woman.

Where did the battle of Refugio take place?

The series of fights that together make up the battle of Refugio occurred between March 12 and 15, 1836, during the Texas Revolution, at Nuestra Señora del Refugio Mission in Refugio County.

Where is the battle of Refugio?

Battle of Refugio/Location

Are there alligators in the Llano River?

“They’re native to this area, but it’s really uncommon to have them in Llano County.” In the past two decades, game wardens have verified alligators in habitats from Choke Canyon in South Texas to as far north as the Lampasas River.