
How do I backup configuration files?

How do I backup configuration files?

In the DataCore Servers Panel, right-click on the server group and select Backup Configuration in the context menu. In the >Backup Configuration dialog box, enter the complete path to a local folder where the files should be copied. Provide a path for each DataCore Server in the group.

How do I download Cisco config?

Downloading Startup and Running Config Files from Cisco Devices

  1. Click the Tools tab.
  2. Choose Config File Manager available under the CISCO Tools category.
  3. To configure SNMP properties click Settings located at the top right corner or click Admin -> Settings.
  4. Enter the Device Name or its IP Address.
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How do I copy a Cisco switch to a TFTP server?

How to download Cisco IOS running config to TFTP server

  1. Select List of commands to be entered on device and enter the following code: copy running tftp.
  2. Select Enter commands in enable mode .
  3. Select Save device output to file .
  4. Select Overwrite existing capture file .
  5. Select Answer yes to any confirmation prompts .

How do I export switch config?

Log in > Go to enable mode > issue a “copy running-config tftp”* command > Supply the IP address of the TFTP server > Give the backup file a name. Note: You can also use startup-config to copy the config saved in NVRAM rather than the running-config. 4.

How do I copy a configuration to a Cisco switch?

To copy, you can either select Edit > Copy from the text editor’s menu, or hold down the CTRL key and simultaneously press the C key. 17. Switch to the HyperTerminal window and issue the configure terminal command at the Router# prompt and select Enter.

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What command creates backup configuration?

What command is used to create a backup configuration? Explanation: The command to back up the configuration on a router is copy running-config startup-config.

Where is the backup configuration file stored?

/etc/configs directory
By default, backup configuration files are created in the /etc/configs directory. You can clone the configuration of one storage system to another system.

How do I upload a config to a Cisco switch?

  1. Connect to the switch/router that needs the configuration.
  2. Open the config.txt file.
  3. Highlight the entire contents of the config.txt file.
  4. Copy the selected text to the Windows clipboard.
  5. Switch to the HyperTerminal window, and issue the configure terminal command at the Router# prompt.

How do I copy a Cisco switch to another switch?

You can copy the config from the first switch to the FTP server and then from the FTP server to the second switch. Be sure the second switch isn’t connected to the network, but instead with a direct connection to the FTP server. Otherwise, you will have network problems with both switches having the same IP address.

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Do copy running config startup config?

Save running config on Cisco device Use the command copy running-config startup-config (copy run start) to overwrite the current startup config file with what is currently in the running configuration file.

How do I restore a config to a Cisco switch using putty?

Ensuring that any Windows firewall is OFF.

  1. Launch Putty and point it at using Telnet.
  2. The prompt should show “switch#”
  3. Wait a good few minutes.
  4. After about 10 minutes power cycle the switch.
  5. When it comes back up it should be as the production switch.