
How do I choose a robot?

How do I choose a robot?

Making your choice

  1. Reach and payload should be the first criteria considered in your robot selection process, as these factors may immediately shorten the list of suitable options.
  2. Flexibility.
  3. Speed.
  4. Space and Footprint.
  5. Engineering and Project Development.
  6. Maintainability, Repairability, and Availability.

What CAD is used for robotics?

CAE is used for simulation of the design developed in CAD. CAE is basically used for verifying the design. CAM programs are used for Manufacturing. Using CNC or DNC codes CAM controls the robot.

What is Nvidia Isaac?

Isaac is NVIDIA’s open platform for intelligent robots. The Isaac SDK provides a large collection of powerful GPU-accelerated algorithm GEMs for navigation and manipulation. Isaac SDK Engine is a framework to easily write modular applications and deploy them on a real robot.

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What are six axis robots?

Six-axis robots are a type of articulated robot and the most common for industrial manufacturing. They provide the flexibility, strength, and reach needed to complete most applications including welding automation, material handling, material removal, and painting.

What does CAM stand for in robotics?

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is the use of software and computer-controlled machinery to automate a manufacturing process.

What is CAM in robotics?

CAM is Computer Aided Manufacturing, this utilises software to aid manufacturing. Commonly used together: CAD CAM. Industrial robots have a traditionally been programmed manually, that is from point to point by a specialist programmer, movements and functions recorded and played back.

What is AWS RoboMaker?

AWS RoboMaker is a cloud-based simulation service that enables robotics developers to run, scale, and automate simulation without managing any infrastructure.