
How do I create a private RSS feed?

How do I create a private RSS feed?


  1. Upload your mp3/mp4 contents to Dropbox. Get a raw link by following this step.
  2. Locally, follow this article to create an RSS file.
  3. Commit your RSS file to your Github repo. Publish it as a Github page.
  4. Share the RSS file path to your community!

Can you create private podcasts?

A private podcast allows you to generate a unique, protected RSS feed for each subscriber. This allows you, as the publisher, to restrict access to the podcast content.

Can you make a private Anchor podcast?

Can I have a private/password protected podcast? Not at this time. Where is my RSS feed? Your RSS feed is found in the Podcast Availability page under the Settings menu in Anchor web.

Can you password protect a podcast?

A password-protected private podcast means a host provides a password to the podcast’s intended listeners. When someone wants to access the show, they go to your website, enter the credentials, and start listening.

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Can Google Podcasts be private?

Google Podcasts is finally getting a feature that’s already standard across most listening apps: private RSS feed support. To access that content, the creator sends them a private RSS feed they then can insert into their favorite listening app to retrieve the audio.

What is a private RSS feed?

Setting up a Private RSS Feed Guarantees that Paid Content will Remain Exclusive to Paying Listeners. Normally, when you sign up with a podcast host, you will be given a public feed. The issue with public feeds is that they allow for premium content to be publicly available online.

Does Google podcasts allow RSS feeds?

Share All sharing options for: Google Podcasts now supports private RSS feeds so you can listen to the shows you pay to access. Google Podcasts is finally getting a feature that’s already standard across most listening apps: private RSS feed support.

How do I create a private podcast for free?

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How To Create Your Private RSS Feed

  1. Sign up to Justcast for free. Sign up and follow the steps to create your podcast.
  2. Set your podcast’s RSS feed to private. From your podcast overview, go to Settings > Advanced > Members Private Feed and turn it on.
  3. Invite your subscribers.
  4. Publish your podcast episodes!