
How do I create an RSS email?

How do I create an RSS email?

Create a new RSS email in the updated classic editor

  1. In your HubSpot account, navigate to Marketing > Email.
  2. Click Create email.
  3. In the dialog box, select Blog/RSS.
  4. Select External blog and insert the RSS feed URL.
  5. In the Custom tab, select a template for the RSS email.
  6. In the dialog box, insert a name for your email.

What is RSS email newsletter?

RSS to email is a process that involves picking up content from an RSS feed and delivering it to subscribers in the form of an email. Many leading email service providers offer this service. An RSS feed may contain content in the form of blog posts, news articles, social media posts, and others.

How do I create an RSS feed in MailChimp?

To create an RSS campaign in Mailchimp, visit the Campaigns page after logging into your Mailchimp account. Click Create Campaign. In the modal popup that appears, click Create an Email. In the Automated tab, select Share blog updates.

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How do I send MailChimp from WordPress by email?

Method 2: Use MailChimp to send new blog posts by email

  1. Step 1 – Prepare your WordPress blog. Get your RSS feed URL.
  2. Step 2 – Set up MailChimp to send your ‘new post’ emails. Create a campaign.
  3. Step 3 – Add a MailChimp signup form to your WordPress blog.

How do I create an RSS campaign in MailChimp?

Click Resolve or Edit to make changes to any section of the campaign. Click Start RSS to send your RSS email based on the schedule you chose, or click the drop-down arrow and choose Send now and start RSS campaign to immediately send an email and start the schedule.

How do I set up an RSS feed in Outlook?

Subscribe to an RSS Feed from Outlook

  1. In Outlook, right-click the RSS Feeds folder and choose Add a New RSS Feed.
  2. In the New RSS Feed dialog box, enter the URL of the RSS Feed. Tip: If you need help finding the RSS feed URL on a website, look for an RSS icon.
  3. Choose Add > OK.
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