
How do I download SQL Plus on my PC?

How do I download SQL Plus on my PC?

  1. Download SqlPlus instant client – instantclient-sqlplus-windows.zip.
  2. Download Instant Client – instantclient-basiclite-windows.x64-
  3. Extract files from step #2 into some folder, e.g. c:\Program Files\OraInstClient.
  4. Extract files from step #1 into the same folder.

How do I know if Sqlplus is installed on Windows?

In Windows. Check the Inst_loc entry value which will be the software installed location. You can use command prompt or you can navigate/explore to the oracle home location and then cd to bin directory to lauch sqlplus which will give you the client version information.

How do I install SQL Plus on Windows 10?

Installing SQL*Plus Instant Client from the UNIX or Windows Zip Files

  1. Create a new directory, for example, /home/instantclient10_2 on UNIX or c:\instantclient10_2 on Windows.
  2. Unzip the two packages into the new directory.
  3. Configure SQL*Plus Instant Client. See Configuring SQL*Plus Instant Client.
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How do I download and install SQL Plus on Windows 10?

How to Install and Configure SQL*Plus Instant Client on Windows

  1. Download the installers from OTN: Basic OCI + SQL*Plus.
  2. Extract the downloads.
  3. Edit the PATH variable to include the SQL*Plus Instant Client directory.
  4. Connect to a Database with SQL*Plus Instant Client via Oracle Net connection identifier.

Which is iSQL * Plus command?

iSQL*Plus enables you to use a web browser to connect to Oracle9i and perform the same tasks as you would through the command-line version of SQL*Plus. Different web browsers, and the size of the web browser window, may affect the appearance and layout of iSQL*Plus screens.

What is the difference between SQL Plus and SQL*Plus?

SQL is the query language used for communication with Oracle server to access and modify the data. SQL* Plus is a command line tool with which you can send SQL queries to the server. SQL * Plus is command line tool which doesn’t involve DML, DDL and DCL.

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