
How do I join NCC Air Force?

How do I join NCC Air Force?

Eligibility Criteria for Flying Branch – Air Force NCC Special Entry

  1. Candidates should have an NCC Air Wing Senior Division ‘C’ certificate acquired on or after 06th Aug 2015.
  2. Candidates should have passed 10+2 level with minimum 60\% marks in each subject – Physics and Mathematics.

How many NCC units are there in West Bengal?

NCC Dte West Bengal & Sikkim is org with six Gp HQs, having 52 Major/Minor units. There are two Naval Units, two technical Air Squadrons and two flying Air Squardons in the Dte. In addn, there are one Independent Girls Company, one Arty Battery, one Armoured Squardon, one Composite unit and one EME company.

When was the NCC inaugurated in India?

The schools and colleges opened after summer vacation and the NCC of Independent India was inaugurated on 15 Jul 1948. The journey of this Indian youth organisation, which has now become the largest uniformed youth organisation in the world had begun.

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What are the different types of NCC units in Army?

Types of Army NCC units and their numbers are given below : Army: Technical (Engineers, Signals, Medical, EME, CTR),:Non Technical (Infantry, Armoured & ARTY) Army: Each battalion or unit of NCC consists of a number of platoons or coy.

What is the role of NCC cadets in the Indian Army?

The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and drill. The officers and cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course. The NCC in India was formed the Act of 1950 .

Can students avail NCC training from institutions that are already NCC sub-units?

The students can thus avail NCC training from institutions that are already NCC sub-units, subject to following conditions:- The educational institution in which the student is studying should not be having NCC.