
How do I know if a loan company is legitimate Singapore?

How do I know if a loan company is legitimate Singapore?

Go to the official website of Singapore’s Ministry of Law. Click on the link – List of Licensed Moneylenders in Singapore. Download the PDF or open it in a fresh browser window. Scroll through the list to find the name of your prospective finance company to confirm their authenticity.

How much can I borrow from license money lender?

How much can you loan from a licensed moneylender? If your annual income is less than $20,000, it’s almost impossible for you to find a bank that is willing to give you an unsecured loan, even with the best personal loan rates. However, a licensed money lender is legally allowed to loan you up to $3,000.

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Do money lenders need to be licensed?

A licensed moneylender will be registered with a regulatory agency. This means that they’re licensed and obligated to abide by the regulations set by the government as well as other laws in terms of their operations, lending requirements, interest rates, among others.

How do I report a licensed money lender?

Instead, you should report the advertisements to the Registry at 1800-2255-529 or via our website. Errant licensed moneylenders will be investigated by the Registry and unlicensed moneylenders will be investigated by the Police. 7.

Is it legal to lend money in Singapore?

The giving of loans or a number of loans to friends or family does not constitute the business of moneylending, unless there is a system and continuity about the transactions or if the alleged moneylender lent others money freely and readily. Therefore, loans to friends and family do not require a licence.

How much can I borrow lender in Singapore?

How Much Can I Borrow?

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Borrower’s annual income Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents Foreigners residing in Singapore
Less than $10,000 $3,000 $500
At least $20,000 6 times monthly income 6 times monthly income

Are private loans safe?

It may seem too good to be true: timely loan approvals, malleable payment terms, and attractive rates, but with a private lender, you still have the same security as you would with a bank or other standard lender.

Is money lending legal?

The petitioner had challenged a judgment of the Karnataka High Court, which held that businessmen lending money to suppliers was an offence under the Karnataka Money Lenders Act, 1961. …

Is it illegal to borrow money from a loan shark in Singapore?

Commonly known as “ah longs” in Singapore or unlicensed moneylenders, a loan shark is a person or entity that lends fast and easy money at sky-high interest rates. Hence, dealing with a loan shark in Singapore is illegal.