
How do I know if my text was sent from Android to iPhone?

How do I know if my text was sent from Android to iPhone?

Underneath the messages, you will see that it is delivered, and if the other person has “Send Read Recipients” on, it will show the other person they have read the message. Sending a message from an iPhone to an Android will result in a green bubble. This is just a text message bubble.

How do you know if a text is green on iPhone?

You can tell if your message has been sent via iMessage in Apple’s messaging app because it’ll be blue. If it’s green, it’s an ordinary text message and doesn’t offer the read/delivered receipts.

How do I know if a number is iMessage?

If the Contact’s Name and the Send button are green, then they don’t have iMessage available and you’ll send them an SMS (or MMS). If the Contact’s Name and the Send button are blue, then they do have iMessage available and you’ll use that.

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How do I know if someone has received my text message?

Read Receipts on Android Smartphones

  1. From the text messaging app, open Settings.
  2. Go to Chat features, Text Messages, or Conversations.
  3. Turn on (or turn off) the Read Receipts, Send Read Receipts, or Request Receipt toggle switches, depending on your phone and what you want to do.

How do I know if my green message sent?

2 Answers. When the bubble is blue, the message is send as an iMessage. If it turn green, it is send as a regular SMS. The iMessages have a build in delivery report and is will tell you tings like ‘delivered’ or ‘read’ when the message gets delivered/read.

How do you know when someone’s online on iMessage?

iMessage doesn’t have any kind of relationship status to it either, likely for the same reasons.

  1. The short answer is no.
  2. If you’re looking for any kind of status of presence information like what you may be used to seeing on services like Skype or traditional IM networks, you won’t find it.