
How do I make it so I have to approve followers on Instagram?

How do I make it so I have to approve followers on Instagram?

Instagram app for Android and iPhone: Tap at the top to see Follow requests. Tap Confirm to approve a request. Tap Delete to deny a request.

How do I control who follows me on Instagram?

Tap on Followers to see everyone who is following you. Beside the Follow button there should be three little dots. Tap on that, then Remove to disallow that user from following you.

How do I make my Instagram posts public?

On the “Account privacy” screen, slide the “Private account” toggle button to the left, which will turn the lever gray and make your account public. 7. From the pop-up box that appears, click “Change” to confirm that you want to make your account public.

How do I get more friend requests on Instagram?

How to Get More Followers on Instagram

  1. Respond to your followers’ comments and questions. Let’s start from the top.
  2. Leave at least three comments.
  3. Post at least once per day.
  4. Post at the optimal time.
  5. Use 11+ hashtags.
  6. Research hashtags.
  7. Kill it with your captions.
  8. Follow three accounts.
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Why my Instagram request is not working?

If you still haven’t figured out why you are getting this error then let me tell you that it happens when you post some offensive stuff or violate the Instagram’s policies or people in bulk report your account, then Instagram will temporarily ban your account from entering via the app on a specific device.

Who has maximum followers in Instagram?

Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo (366m followers) We now reach our most followed human on Instagram: Cristiano Ronaldo. Forward for Juventus and the captain for the national Portuguese team, he’s one of the best footballers the world has known – and his following is not slowing.

What happens to follow requests when you go public Instagram?

If you have pending follower requests on your private account and then you turn it public any pending follower requests you have are automatically accepted. These people will then be able to view any of the content you have posted on your account.