
How do I optimize node JS?

How do I optimize node JS?

Other common practices that you should also consider include:

  1. Using the latest stable Node. js updates.
  2. Load balancing.
  3. Memory optimization.
  4. CPU profiling.
  5. Node. js timers to schedule tasks.
  6. Prioritize access to local variables.
  7. Avoid using too much memory.
  8. Eliminate unused components of . js libraries.

How do I stop npm from installing every time in Docker?

To avoid the npm install phase on every docker build just copy those lines and change the ^/opt/app^ to the location your app lives inside the container. No one mentions multi-stage build.

How can I speed up my node?

7 Sure shot Tips to Speed Up Your Node. js Application To Deal With Heavy Production Load

  1. Don’t use synchronous functions.
  2. Handle exceptions properly.
  3. Use gzip compression.
  4. Do logging correctly.
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How do I speed up npm run?


  1. Install from NPM. Install and save a development dependency: npm install faster –save-dev.
  2. Add the faster script entry to your package. json.
  3. Add the client. js script entry to your Template file.
  4. Run Faster. Now you can run the following command on your local machine:

What does npm prune do?

You can use npm-prune to remove extraneous packages. This command removes “extraneous” packages. If a package name is provided, then only packages matching one of the supplied names are removed. Extraneous packages are packages that are not listed on the parent package’s dependencies list.

What is npm install — verbose?

Example usage: npm install ionic –loglevel verbose . Running the npm commands like this, shows the logs in realtime and saves the logs to the directory its running within. For permanent solution, just edit the global npm configuration. To do this, run npm config edit command and add loglevel=verbose .

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Why is node so slow?

Node. js programs can be slow due to a CPU/IO-bound operation, such as a database query or slow API call. For most Node. js applications, data fetching is done via an API request and a response is returned.

How can I speed up my express?

6 Easy Ways to Speed Up Express

  1. gzip Compression. gzip compression isn’t anything new to web servers, but it’s an easy thing to forget about, especially when you’re used to using frameworks that enable it by default.
  2. Minify with Uglify.
  3. Reduce Your Middleware.
  4. Increase Max Sockets.
  5. Use Cache-Control.