
How do I run a JSON server on Windows?

How do I run a JSON server on Windows?

Introducing JSON Server

  1. Step 1: To set up the JSON Server run the following command: npm install -g json-server.
  2. Step 2: Create a db.json file with some data. { “posts”: [
  3. Step 3: Start JSON Server. json-server –watch db.json –port 8000. This runs a local server on port 8000, and watches the db.json file for any changes.

How do I run a JSON on a different port?

json , you can change the port inside the lite-server module. Go to node_modules/lite-server/lib/config-defaults. js in your project, then add the port in “modules. export” like this.

How do I run an angular project on a specific port?

ways to change the port number in an angular project: node_modules \ @angular-devkit\build-angular\src\dev-server\schema. json in this path….

  1. Navigate to angular. json file.
  2. Search for the “serve” field.
  3. Under “serve” it will the “options” field.
  4. Add this line to “options”: “port”: 4202(any port that you want).

How do I change the port in react?

You need to change the port of one of them. In ReactJS, the easiest way to alter the port number is by setting an environment variable named PORT to the desired number via the terminal. As an example, here we change the port number to 5000. your local server will run on port 5000.

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How do I resolve a port already in use?

Troubleshooting a Port Already in Use

  1. >Stop the conflicting application as follows:
  2. a. Open the command prompt and enter netstat -aon | findstr “8080”.
  3. b. End the conflicting process:
  4. i. Open Windows Task Manager.
  5. ii. In the Processes tab, click View > Select Columns.
  6. iii. Choose PID and click OK.
  7. iv.
  8. c.

How do I change the default port in Angularjs app?

Here are the steps to add default port number in Angular applications….Adding default port number in project’s angular. json file.

  1. Navigate to project route folder.
  2. Open “angular. json” file.
  3. Search for “serve” configuration and it contains “options” cofig.
  4. Add “port”:3001(or any other number) property inside options.