
How do pen names work legally?

How do pen names work legally?

Are pen names legal? Yes, an author can legally use a pen name or pseudonym to publish their intellectual property. Pen names are legal, as long as you have purchased the rights to your pen name, and have copyrighted your name. An author of a copyrighted work is allowed to use a pseudonym or a pen name.

How do I purchase the rights to a pen name?

You can register a manuscript under a pen name at the copyright office (www.copyright.gov). You’ll have to provide some information, including your real address. But if you really want to keep your true identity under wraps, set up a post office box and have information from the office sent there.

Why do authors use pen names?

Some of the most well-known, famous authors have used a pen name to conceal their identities. A pen name becomes a sort of shield, allowing the author to conceal his or her identity, shake off any pre-conceived notions, internal or external, and to write freely in the genre of his or her choice.

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How does an author get paid?

Authors don’t get a salary, and once an author has written a book it can be traditionally published – or the author can self-publish. Traditionally under the contract the author will be paid an up-front sum, known as an ‘advance’ (advances are generally modest these days).

How do co authors get paid?

Co-authors are not paid upfront. All parties are active authors of the book and get full credit and usually, two or more co-authors split any publisher advance money, royalty money, and/or merchandise money. Co-author partnerships also have a contract stating who gets what and how things are split.

Do you have to trademark a pen name?

2: Pen names cannot be trademark protected. The author must prove that the name has “secondary meaning” by being part of a unique brand that is used in marketing and commerce, and is widely recognized. Like J.K.Rowling which is a trademark owned by Joanne Rowling.