
How do pilots know which runway to taxi to?

How do pilots know which runway to taxi to?

In most cases the pilots use charts. Either paper or electronic. Some electronic charts offer a moving map feature, whereby the crew can see their position on the map. Lastly, there’s the new follow-the-greens (video link), in which the ATC programs the taxi route and the crew are then guided by smart green lights.

How does a pilot know the route?

Pilots rely heavily on computerised controls and with the assistance of the autopilot and the flight management computer, steer the plane along their planned route. They are monitored by air traffic control stations they pass along the way.

How do pilots know where to taxi to runways?

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For example, a pilot parked near the fire station might be given a taxi clearance like “US123 taxi to runway 31 via Foxtrot, Alpha, Lima, Bravo and Zulu.” The pilot would look at the map and see the paths to take. While taxiing there are signs on the ground which assist the pilot in navigating the taxiways.

When the aircraft is readying to taxi the ATC asks them?

When the aircraft is readying to taxi, the ATC asks them to proceed to some runway number, say runway 09. In big airports, how do the pilots identify the correct path to their runway?

What kind of map do pilots use to identify airports?

Almost always pilots use a chart, ie a map which shows the airport from the air. Runways are numbered according to their magnetic bearing (runway 22 is roughly aligned to 220 degrees magnetic for example) while taxiways are lettered. As an example see the chart for La Guardia.

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What do the letters mean on the airport chart?

The letters are the names of the taxiways. The pilot then looks into the airport chart and follows exactly as instructed. You must hold short before crossing runways, unless they are used as taxiways. It is easier when the instruction is followed by “Follow the follow-me car.”, then you just follow the car.