
How do you deal with a non-technical manager?

How do you deal with a non-technical manager?

Here are some of my ideas from being in your shoes of having to deal with a non-technical manager.

  1. Correct my own attitude.
  2. Realize that “non-technical” is my term and not theirs.
  3. Correct my attitude again.
  4. Ask questions.
  5. Don’t whine.
  6. Correct my attitude again.

Can a non-technical person manage technical people?

Yes. An alternative viewpoint says it is possible for a non-tech manager to manage the technical.

How can I work with non-technical people?

Communicating with Non-Technical Stakeholders

  1. Know Your Stakeholder. Learn about your stakeholders!
  2. Cut Out Tech Jargon. To increase your stakeholders’ understanding, start by eliminating intimidating technical phrases and acronyms.
  3. Translate and Educate.
  4. Speak in Terms of Results.
  5. Use Visuals.
  6. Encourage questions.
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What is non-technical management?

Non-technical managers don’t understand all the technical issues their Support Engineers face – this means that more focus is put on other growth areas, such as time management, professionalism, values, mentorship, strengths, weaknesses etc.

Can non engineers manage engineers?

If the answer is yes, then the plant manager should be held accountable for the output of this engineering resource. And yes, non-engineers can be held accountable for the output of engineers.

What is a non-technical supervisor?

Non-Technical Laboratory Supervisor Supervise Laboratory Assistants and other non-technical personnel in daily operations. Performs non-technical duties in areas of responsibility as required. Paid Time Off (PTO) and Personal Leave.

How do you communicate with non-technical people?

How to explain technical ideas to a non-technical audience

  1. Use humor and humility to better explain technical information.
  2. Be attentive to your audience throughout your presentation.
  3. Incorporate storytelling when sharing technical information.
  4. Use visual content to explain technical information and processes.
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How do you manage a technical person?

5 secrets to managing technical teams

  1. Reward problem-solving. Technical people love to solve problems and build stuff.
  2. Trust your engineers. Don’t ever prescribe how to achieve technical success.
  3. Share customer feedback. Technical people respond well to data.
  4. Build a farm system.
  5. Don’t overcompensate management.

How do you manage a team of engineers?


  1. Understand Your Team. When you take on a leadership role, you need to get to know your team members.
  2. Understand Project Details.
  3. Have Confidence Not to Micromanage.
  4. Be Flexible.
  5. Keep an Eye on the Big Picture.
  6. Communicate Well.
  7. Manage Up, Down, and Through the Finish.
