
How do you find pods on Instagram?

How do you find pods on Instagram?

To join an Instagram pod, you can start by checking out a few Facebook groups, such as Instagram Marketing Mastermind Pods. However, since Facebook owns Instagram, there’s a chance your group could get deleted (more on that below). Additionally, you might try Telegram, a messaging app that hosts pods inside the app.

Are Instagram pods illegal?

Instagram pods= banned. And you’re running a real risk of being banned from the platform yourself if you use engagement pods. After all, fake engagement is against Instagram community guidelines.

Where can I find Instagram engagement groups?

Instagram “DM Groups” or sometimes also called “Instagram Pods” are private Instagram groups you can open in the messages section of the app itself. Basically, 10-15 people come together in this group to share likes and comments on each other post.

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What are engagement pods?

In simple terms, an engagement pod is a group of people that shares their posts within the group so that all participants can like, comment, share it. Some engagement pods which are easily found consist of thousands of people whereas others might only consist of 20-30.

How do you join pods?

Generally, you would post the link to your Instagram posts that you want members of your pod to like or comment on in the group. When other members see the link, they would go do that. Some pods also use a code word, which would be the sign for members to go to your Instagram profile and like the latest post.

Are Instagram pods worth it?

Being in just one Instagram Pod is not enough – Pods can work really great but if you’re only getting 5 extra likes from your group members the impact on your overall engagement will be minimal. I recommend (if you have the time and resources) to join multiple pods to increase the benefit on your account.

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Is Instagram cracking down on pods?

Instagram has already started cracking down on comment pods. Facebook (owner of Instagram) has already broken up several large comment pods and removed a significant number of Facebook groups that were used to organize comment pods on Instagram.

What are social media pods?

Pods are groups of people who work together to ramp up engagements on each other’s posts. Of course, working in a pod isn’t subconscious and random – the way you and Mary interact with each other. To join a pod, you need to agree that you’ll engage with other members’ posts in exchange for engagement on your posts.

Do engagement pods work?

Why are engagement pods not good?

In the creator community, engagement pods can be incredibly damaging to your value. Even if you’re not aware of what they are, involvement in an Engagement Pod could result in your profile being unknowingly flagged, causing you to lose out on approvals and cash.