
How do you name a fictional race?

How do you name a fictional race?

Creative Writing: Tips for Naming Fictional Races

  1. Re-name an existing race.
  2. Derive names from physical appearance or existence.
  3. Derive names from land or territory.
  4. Incorporate root words from other languages.
  5. Use ending suffixes to add credibility to your race.
  6. Consider phonetics and their psychological effects.

How do sci fi writers come up with names?

They will try names until they decide which one sounds like a name that not only fits with the species that they are trying to portray, but they also want it to be a name that is memorable, and fits into the context of the book (ex- if you are writing a light hearted book, the “Soul-Eaters” is hardly an appropriate …

What is a good racer name?

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Cool Car Names

Axel Hercules Rings of Horsepower
Car RamRod King of the Road Speed Racer
Carzilla Klutch Speedin’ Demon
Chick Magnet Kraken Street Demon
Cowgirl Up Leviathan Striker

How do you name a mythical creature?

Name your creature by using ancient words. Consider using Latin or Greek in your name. Many fantastic creatures in mythology have Latin or Greek-based names. Using ancient language is a way to name your creature based on attributes without the name sounding silly.

How do you invent a character name?

13 Strategies to Create Character Names

  1. Pick a One Word Name.
  2. Make the Name Represent the Character’s True Nature.
  3. Reverse the Relationship Between First and Last Name.
  4. Give Your Character Your Name.
  5. Create Cool Character Names by using an Anagram Generator.
  6. Give Your Character a Prefix or Suffix.
  7. Use Alliteration!

What are types of races?


  • White.
  • Black or African American.
  • Asian.
  • American Indian or Alaska Native.
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
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Whats a good name for a black car?

Black Car Names

Abyss Ace of Spades Black Beauty
Black Widow Blade Dahlia
Dark Knight KITT Mamba
Midnight Nightshade Raven
Shadow Sirius Zorro

How do you create a species name?

Scientists use a two-name system called a Binomial Naming System. Scientists name animals and plants using the system that describes the genus and species of the organism. The first word is the genus and the second is the species. The first word is capitalized and the second is not.