
How do you save Ashley Mass?

How do you save Ashley Mass?

Unfortunately, as we noted previously, there is no way to save both characters. You have to make a decision. Whoever you save will be seen throughout the rest of the Mass Effect trilogy.

Can you save Alenko and Ashley?

There isn’t any option to keep both of them alive, although this was the original intent of Bioware as they included a third option of being able to do so, but it was scrapped in the process of finalizing the game.

Can you save Kaidan and Ashley Mass Effect?

You cannot, Mass Effect 1 does not gives you an option to save both of them. You have either pick Ashley who is guarding the bomb or Kaiden who is being attacked at the AA tower. All choices lead to saving one of them, not both.

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Is it better to save Ashley or Kaiden?

As per usual, Ashley’s admonishment is more forthright, while Kaiden is more reserved. If romanced in the first game, both their relief at Shepard’s survival and their anger at Cerberus will be more extreme.

How do you keep Ashley alive?

Save Emily or Run To Switch.

  1. If you run to the switch, she and Mike will be killed. Emily burning to death.
  2. If you save Emily, she is safe from the Wendigo, but if she’s the last person in the group (didn’t push Ashley), then she could still die in the inferno. Otherwise, she’s safe for the rest of the game.

Who should I send Ashley or Kaidan?

Both Ashley and Kaidan will volunteer. Don’t panic — this isn’t the decision point of who lives or dies, so send whoever you like. Just remember, whoever you send will not be accessible to you for this mission, so don’t send a character you would normally have accompanying you.

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Who should I save Ashley or Josh?

Josh dies either way. Since it’s an elaborate prank by Josh, the only one who can “die” is him, since Josh’s body in that trap is fake, and he gets out unscathed. But Josh might feel betrayed and make snide remarks later in the game if you say you’ll save Ashley. Whatever you choose, the blade will go for Josh.

Can you save both Ashley and Chris?

If Ashley left him behind and safely rejoined the group, Chris can choose to do the same. Opening the trap door will lead to his death. If the pair made it through the tunnels unscathed, they will be safe until their return to the lodge.

Should I let the salarian commando out?

You now have a choice: let him out, or leave him in. If you let him out he succumbs to the “incessant whispering” and attacks along with the indoctrinated salarians from adjoining cells.

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How do I stop my wrex from dying?

To avoid killing Wrex, Shepard must pass a difficult Paragon/Renegade check. During the Virmire: Assault mission in Mass Effect, Wrex will draw his gun to confront Shepard about their intentions to destroy Saren’s base, which may include a cure for the krogan genophage.

Is Liara the Canon love interest?

Although there is no official “canon love interest”, Liara is my pick for male Shepard – I think, her story makes most sense with him (and Tali stays with Garrus – also, in Citadel DLC, if Ashley is saved, she can hook up with James, he shows interest in her through the whole game).