
How do you say sister in NZ?

How do you say sister in NZ?

tuahine. 1. (noun) sister or female cousin (of a male).

What does Tuakana mean?

Tuakana–taina Tuākana are the older brothers of a male or older sisters of a female; taina are the younger brothers of a male or the younger sisters of a female. A younger or older female sibling of a male is a tuahine; a younger or older male sibling of a female is a tungāne.

What do you call a Maori girl?

Maori Translation. kotiro. More Maori words for girl. kōtiro noun. girl.

What is Maori for home?

hau kāinga
hau kāinga. 1. (noun) home, true home, local people of a marae, home people.

What is Nana in Māori?

nāna. 1. belonging to him or her, his, hers, of his, of hers – used in this way when the possessor had control of the relationship or was/is dominant, active or superior to what was/is possessed.

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What is whaea?

The formal Māori terms of “Matua” or “Whaea”, meaning uncle and auntie respectively, are used for teachers and parents in schools.

What is akonga?

pupil noun. ākonga, tauira, koringo. apprentice noun.

What is KUIA mean?

female elder
/ (ˈkuːjə) / noun. NZ a Māori female elder or elderly woman.

What is beautiful girl in Maori?

Maori Translation. kotiro ataahua. More Maori words for beautiful girl. kotiro pretty.

What is Māori for family?

Whānau is often translated as ‘family’, but its meaning is more complex. Whānau can be multi-layered, flexible and dynamic. Whānau is based on a Māori and a tribal world view. It is through the whānau that values, histories and traditions from the ancestors are adapted for the contemporary world.

What is the meaning of the word kaumatua?

Kaumātua are elders in Māori society. Male elders are also known as koroua (or koro for short), and female elders as kuia. Whether a person can be considered a kaumātua depends on age, knowledge of tribal history and traditions, and the presence of other potential elders for younger generations to turn to.