
How do you tell someone they are a ray of sunshine?

How do you tell someone they are a ray of sunshine?

If you describe someone as a ray of sunshine, you mean that they are always happy and pleasant. Neighbours described the 4-year-old girl as `a ray of sunshine — a cheerful little girl who brightened up all our lives’.

What do rays of sunshine do?

Rays of Sunshine brightens the lives of seriously ill young people and their families by granting wishes and providing ongoing support within hospitals. To date, our work has reached over 80,000 seriously ill children and their families.

How do you use ray of sunshine in a sentence?

Her students proved to be a ray of sunshine for her when she was trying to cope up with the grief of losing her dog. Prayers and blessings are said to be the real ray of sunshine for someone in a situation that seems difficult. He came as a ray of sunshine in his life when he was lost due to a broken relationship.

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What is another way to say ray of sunshine?

What is another word for ray of sunshine?

comforter comfort
reliever friend
pacifier sympathiserUK
sympathizerUS consoler
solacer condoler

Is ray of sunshine a compliment?

If you describe someone as a ray of sunshine, you mean that they are always happy and pleasant. Neighbours described the 4-year-old girl as `a ray of sunshine — a cheerful little girl who brightened up all our lives’. Note: You often hear people say that someone is like a ray of sunshine.

How would you describe a sunshine person?

A ray of sunshine a happy person who makes others happy; to be warm, kind, bright; someone who is a delight to be around.

What is the sun’s rays called?

sunlight, also called sunshine, solar radiation that is visible at Earth’s surface. The amount of sunlight is dependent on the extent of the daytime cloud cover.

What does ray of hope mean?

Definition of ray of hope : something that holds the promise of hope This new medicine is a ray of hope for/to thousands of people.

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How many rays does the sun have?

Solar radiation includes visible light, ultraviolet light, infrared, radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays.

What is the opposite of ray of sunshine?

We have listed all the opposite words for ray of sunshine alphabetically. dejected. abject. all torn up. atrabilious.

What to call someone who makes you happy?

4. Jovial. Means that someone is happy, cheerful, and lively. Jovial is almost always used to describe someone’s personality.

What does it mean to call a girl sunshine?

This appears with other words, such as “princess”. You can use sunshine as a nickname for people in a positive sense, too. It can often mean that a person is always smiling and happy, warm like a ray of sun. It can also be used fairly sarcastically, to mean someone who isn’t warm and happy.