
How do you write day in Konkani?

How do you write day in Konkani?

Meanings of day in Konkani

  1. दीस
  2. फांतोड
  3. दिसाचो उजवाड

How do you say the days of the week in Marathi?

The names of all the days in the Marathi Language are listed in the simple table….Days of the Week in Marathi.

English Marathi Translation English Pronunciation
Thursday गुरुवार (Fifth Day of the Week in Marathi) Guruvāra
Friday शुक्रवार (Sixth Day of the Week in Marathi) Śukravāra
Saturday शनिवार (Seventh Day of the Week in Marathi) Śanivāra

How do you write July in Konkani?

In Konkani, the word month is written as मास….How to Say English Months in Konkani.

Month Name in English Month Name in Konkani Transliterated
June जूने jUne
July जूल्य july
August अगस्त agast
September सेतेम्ब्र setembr
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What is Gurubar English?

/guruvāra/ mn. Thursday variable noun. Thursday is the day after Wednesday and before Friday.

What is budhwar day?

/budhavāra/ mn. Wednesday variable noun. Wednesday is the day after Tuesday and before Thursday.

How do you say October in Konkani?


  • ऑक्टोबर(m)
  • इंग्लीश वर्साचो धावो म्हयनो(m)
  • ओतुब्र(m)

Which day is Raviwar?

Days of the Week in Hindi

English Hindi (English Pronunciation) Hindi Translation
Sunday Raviwar रविवार (First Day of the Week in Hindi)
Monday Somvar सोमवार (Second Day of the Week in Hindi)
Tuesday Mangalwar मंगलवार (Third Day of the Week in Hindi)
Wednesday Budhwar बुधवार (Fourth Day of the Week in Hindi)

What day is Itwar?

Days of Week

Day Din In Urdu
Thursday Jumayraat جمعرات
Friday Jummah جمعه
Saturday Haftah ہفتہ
Sunday Itwaar اتوار

What day is Ravivar in English?

रविवार Sunday is the day after Saturday and before Monday.