
How does a Vortac work?

How does a Vortac work?

VORs work on the principle of the phase difference in two radio signals. That’s how a VOR works. A rotating directional signal is broadcast from the VOR, while a second (omnidirectional) signal is broadcast only when the rotating signal passes north.

What is a VOR test facility vot?

A ground facility which emits a test signal to check VOR receiver accuracy. Some VOTs are available to the user while airborne, while others are limited to ground use only.

What affects indicated stall speed?

Factors such as total weight, load factor, power, and center of gravity location affect stall speed—sometimes significantly. Stall speed increases as weight increases, since wings need to fly at a higher angle of attack to generate enough lift for a given airspeed.

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What is the difference between VOR and VORTAC?

A VORTAC combines the VOR and TACAN in one location. Civil users will use the VOR signals which have the same performance as ordinary VOR signals. In addition they use the DME from the TACAN. Effectively a VORTAC is like a VOR/DME.

What is a consideration when using a hand held GPS for VFR navigation?

What is a consideration when using a hand-held GPS for VFR navigation? Position accuracy may degrade without notification. What procedure could a pilot use to navigate under VFR from one point to another when ground references are not visible? Dead reckoning.

How to set the RMI to respond to a VOR instead of ADF?

To do this, set the RMI to respond to a VOR rather than an ADF. Assume you are tracking north on the 180° radial towards the VOR. I have marked off the face of the RMI with the lines to determine holding entry for a right-hand hold.

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What is a Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)?

The radio magnetic indicator (RMI) is one solution to the ADF’s shortcomings. The RMI combines three components: a fluxgate, a heading indicator, and a relative bearing indicator. Some RMIs have two needles like the one pictured on this page; others only have one needle. The RMI can be used for VOR navigation as well as ADF navigation.

What does the RMI tell you when turning right?

Turning right to intercept the inbound course on the 050° radial, the RMI tells us right away that we need to stop the turn momentarily to intercept the radial. Remember the RMI acts just like an ADF. The head of the needle is going to fall.

How do you use an RMI to get into a hold?

So let’s investigate how you use an RMI to get into a hold. To do this, set the RMI to respond to a VOR rather than an ADF. Assume you are tracking north on the 180° radial towards the VOR. I have marked off the face of the RMI with the lines to determine holding entry for a right-hand hold.