
How does pintle injector work?

How does pintle injector work?

By enabling shutoff of propellants at their injection point into the combustion chamber, the pintle injector provided excellent pulse response by eliminating injector “dribble volume” effects.

What are the types of injector nozzles?

Two basic types of injection nozzles are manufactured:

  • pin nozzles – designated DC, DN ; mostly used in engines with indirect fuel injection (engines with precombustion chamber)
  • hole nozzles – designated DO, DL, DOP, DLLA; used in engines with indirect fuel injection.

What is pintle type nozzle?

The Pintle Nozzle: In this type of nozzle the stem of nozzle valve is extended to from a pin or Pintle which protrudes through the mouth of the nozzle. The size and shape of the Pintle can be varied according to the requirement. The main advantage of this nozzle is that it avoids weak injection and dribbling.

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What liquid is used in rocket engines?

Liquid-propellant rocket engines

rocket fuel
Delta second stage hydrazine-UDMH* (50\%–50\%)
Saturn first stage RP-1 (kerosene)
second stage liquid hydrogen
third stage liquid hydrogen

What is pintle valve?

: a short extension of the needle-valve tip to facilitate control of fluid through the valve.

What is the type of injection system?

The main types of injection systems include pump-line-nozzle, unit injector, and common rail. Modern injection systems reach very high injection pressures, and utilize sophisticated electronic control methods.

What is a coaxial injector?

Coaxial injectors are used for the injection and mixing of propellants H2/O2 in cryogenic rocket engines. The aim of the theoretical and experimental investigations presented here is to elucidate some of the physical processes in coaxial injector flow with respect to their significance for atomization and mixing.

What is a swirl coaxial injector?

For a coaxial swirl injector, such as that in the liquid oxygen (LOX) hydrogen rocket engines, LOX is injected with low velocity through a center swirl injector and gaseous hydrogen is injected with high velocity through an annular gap around the center injector; for an instance, see Fu and Yang (2011) .

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How many types of nozzle are there?

Types of nozzles

Flat spray nozzles Whirl nozzles Impact nozzles
… = standard XR = large pressure range DG = anti drift AI = air injection (venturi) UB = side nozzle OC = eccentric nozzle FL = full conical nozzle TXA = hollow conical nozzle TXB = hollow conical nozzle TF = precision impact nozzle

Which is the most preferred SI engine fuel?

For SI engines the aromatics are the best fuel and the paraffins are least desirable. The reason for this is normal paraffins exhibit the poorest antiknock quality when used in SI engines.