
How fast is Lightspeed Mothra?

How fast is Lightspeed Mothra?

186,000 miles per second
Speed. Light Speed Mothra can fly at a speed of 186,000 miles per second.

What is Rainbow Mothra?

Rainbow Mothra (レインボーモスラ Reinbō Mosura?) is a giant moth-like monster that apeared in Rebirth of Mothra 2. rainbow_mothra_1997_01.jpg. Species: Unclassified demigod moth imago; Type: Supernatural. Wingspan: 174 feet (53 meters); Length: 79 feet (24 meters); Weight: 5,900 tons.

Who is Mothra son?

Mothra Leo
Mothra Leo is the son of Mothra and the main protagonist in the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy.

Who wins in Mothra vs Godzilla?

Despite her efforts to save Japan, Godzilla ultimately triumphed over the creature. It took, not one, but two Mothra larvae to tie up Godzilla, who was far too powerful to be stopped physically. In the end, Godzilla was indeed stopped, but this can hardly be called a fair fight.

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How did Mothra help Godzilla turn into Godzilla?

After being mortally wounded by Rodan, Mothra swept in to help a struggling Godzilla. Energy from her body flowed into Godzilla, allowing him to morph into his fiery form. As Burning Godzilla, he easily overpowered King Ghidorah, defeating the alien with ease. Unfortunately, the cost of Godzilla’s powerful transformation was Mothra’s life.

Does Mothra die in Godzilla vs Kong?

Mothra died in the conflict, but her energy gave Godzilla the strength he needed to defeat his ancient rival. The King of the Monsters credits teased her return with a photo of a giant egg that’s believed to be Mothra’s. The reveal that Mothra left an egg behind does not mean that Mothra’s offspring will be a new Mothra.

Can Burning Godzilla beat King Ghidorah?

As Burning Godzilla, he easily overpowered King Ghidorah, defeating the alien with ease. Unfortunately, the cost of Godzilla’s powerful transformation was Mothra’s life.

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How did Rainbow Mothra defeat King Ghidorah?

Rainbow Mothra attempted to stop King Ghidorah, but was soundly defeated. Rainbow Mothra traveled back to the Cretaceous period and battled King Ghidorah’s younger and weaker form, seemingly killing him by dropping him into an active volcano.
