
How is bleaching powder used as an oxidising agent in many chemical industries?

How is bleaching powder used as an oxidising agent in many chemical industries?

Bleaching powder is CaOCl2. It reacts with dilute acids to release chlorine gas which is a strong oxidizing agent. The real action of bleaching powder is due to chlorine.

How is bleach used as an oxidizing agent?

Chlorine bleaches are oxidizing agents; when chlorine reacts with water, it produces hydrochloric acid and atomic oxygen. The oxygen reacts easily with the chromophores to remove electrons from the molecule, chemically changing the structure of the molecule and the physical properties that cause the color are changed.

How is bleaching powder used in industries?

It is a one of the major chemical industry in the world. Limestone and chlorine gas are used as raw materials to manufacture bleaching powder which is used as a disinfectant and as an oxidizing agent. Bleaching powder show different reactions. As a bleach….Bleaching Powder Manufacturing Business.

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Is bleaching powder is used as an oxidising agent?

Uses of Bleaching powder: It is a strong oxidizing agent hence used as an oxidizer in many industries. It is used as a disinfecting water to make potable water. Therefore, Bleaching properties of bleaching powder are due to its Oxidizing properties.

Why is bleaching powder used as a bleaching agent?

In the presence of the little amount of dilute hydrochloric acid, it gives out oxygen which acts as an oxidizing and bleaching agent. When it is treated with an excess of dilute acids, chlorine is evolved which is responsible for the bleaching action of bleaching powder.

Is bleach oxidizing?

Most household bleaches are based on chlorine and contain sodium hypochlorite (NaClO). This is an oxidizing agent, which causes a reaction to form another chemical compound. This means that when bleach reacts with a “stain molecule” the oxidation reaction changes the chemical structure of the chromophore.

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What is bleaching powder What are its uses?

Uses of Bleaching Powder It is used for bleaching dirty clothes in the laundry, as a bleaching agent for cotton and linen in the textile industry. It is a strong oxidizing agent, hence used as an oxidizer in many industries. It is used as a disinfectant which is used for disinfecting water to make potable water.

What is bleaching powder and its uses?

Which salt is used as an oxidising agent in many chemical industries?

Sodium peroxide (Na2O2) is used as a bleaching agent. It bleaches by oxidizing coloured compounds to colourless compounds.

What are the functions of bleaching powder?

Bleaching powder is used in the process of disinfection and this chemical is also known as disinfectant which means the chemical which kills bacteria. This is also called calcium oxychloride.