
How is OET different to general or academic English tests?

How is OET different to general or academic English tests?

OET uses real communication scenarios candidates will experience in their healthcare workplace. General or academic tests, on the other hand, assess English language skills using every day or academic scenarios.

What are the components of OET?

OET assesses English proficiency in different types of communication. The test is divided into four parts: listening, writing, reading, and speaking.

Which part of OET is difficult?

Part B and Part C of the reading sub-test Generally, part C of the test is more challenging and may take more time.

What is OET subtest?

The whole Speaking sub-test is recorded and it is this audio recording that is assessed. The Speaking sub-test is marked independently by a minimum of two trained OET Assessors. OET Assessors’ judgements are targeted and specific, not a general evaluation of candidates’ ability in spoken English.

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Is OET hard to pass?

But while more and more candidates are taking up the OET test, it is not easy. A large number of candidates are not able to get Grade B in all the sub-tests, which is something that most organizations ask for.

Is OET easy to pass?

The OET is easier in some ways because it is more specific to healthcare, so you can make use of your healthcare knowledge, vocabulary and experiences. This means that you’d find the writing and speaking portions of the test a little easier, as you’d be used to the situations provided.

How many hours should I study for OET?

Yes, you need to have proper study plan for the preparation of OET. Successful candidates are those who spend like 2-3 months in preparation for the exam.

Can I take 1 subtest in OET?

There are no exceptions to this rule and you can not resit single sub-tests of the OET exam or combine results. This result would be accepted. The candidate has achieved at least a B in each section of the exam.

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Can I take OET Listening Only?

You must take the Listening, Reading and Writing sub-tests together. The OET Speaking Test Online must be completed within the same test administration (usually 5 days before or after your Listening, Reading and Writing test).

What happens if I fail OET?

The good news is that OET allows you to resit the exam one section at a time. You may for example fail and retake the reading exam only instead of taking all four tests again. Different healthcare organisations have different rules regarding resits.