
How is the performance of a digital communication system measured?

How is the performance of a digital communication system measured?

The performance of a digital communication system is measured by the probability of bit error, also called the bit error rate (BER).

Why is digital data not easily affected by noise?

Why is digital data not easily affected by noise? In a digital transmission the amplitude of the noise must be higher than the amplitude of the signal at binary ‘1’, which is generally not the case, and vice versa. The receiver can differentiate between binary ‘1’ and ‘0’ with a significant amount of noise.

What are the disadvantages of digital communication?

Disadvantages of digital communication :

  • High power consumption.
  • It has a sampling error.
  • Nongraceful degradation.
  • Bit error rate or probability of error.
  • Require A/D conversion at a high rate.
  • It requires more bandwidth as compared to an analog system.
  • It needs synchronization in synchronous modulation.
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What are the disadvantages of digital communication Mcq?

4. What are the disadvantages of digital communication? Explanation: Digital communication needs more bandwidth, has higher complexity and little performance degradation occurs during analog to digital conversion and vice versa.

What is the performance metric of an analog communication system?

Performance – This metric typically measures how accurate the received message estimate is given the amount of transmitted power. Spectral Efficiency – This metric measures how much bandwidth a modulation uses to implement the communication.

Why are digital signals immune to noise?

Resistant to additive Noise: Digital transmission systems are more resistant to analog system to additive noise because they use signal regeneration rather than signal amplification. Noise produced in electronic circuit is additive, therefore S/N ratio deteriorates each time an analog signal is amplified.

What type of digital modulation is widely used for digital data transmission Mcq?

pulse code modulation
What type of digital modulation is widely used for digital data transmission? Explanation: The most widely used technique for digitizing information signals for electronic data transmission is pulse code modulation. It has uniform transmission quality and also can be used when the signal traffic is high.

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How does digital transmission differ from analog transmission?

Analog transmission conveys voice, data, image, signal, or video information using an information signal that is continuously varying; digital transmission transfers data over a transmission medium discretely.

What are the advantages of digital transmission over analog transmission?

The effect of distortion, noise, and interference is much less in digital signals as they are less affected. Digital circuits are more reliable. Digital circuits are easy to design and cheaper than analog circuits. The hardware implementation in digital circuits, is more flexible than analog.

What is the disadvantages of digital system?

Disadvantages of Digital System: Sampling Error, sampling error is most common in many cases. Digital communications require greater bandwidth. The detection of digital signals requires the communications system to be synchronized. Low life span as more Dependencies on outer source.

What is the SNR of a signal?

The SNR is equal to the difference in the numbers. For example, you measure a radio signal with a strength of -10 dB and a noise signal of -50 dB. -10 – (-50) = 40 dB, 40 dB being the SNR. Quite a good signal-to-noise ratio!

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How does Snr affect data throughput?

When SNR increases, the channel’s data throughput also increases. This means that for a given signal level, an increase in noise will decrease the data throughput. The higher the noise level, the less space there is for the actual data that is being transmitted on the channel.

What is SNR (noise level ratio)?

It is the ratio of signal power to that of all other electrical signals in the area, known as the noise level. Noise is measured by the Root-Mean-Square (RMS) value of the fluctuations over time. This ratio is expressed in decibels (dB). In a statistical sense, SNR can also be defined as what is equal to the mean divided by the standard deviation.

How do you compare systems with different signal bandwidths and SNR?

Comparing systems or configurations that use the same signal bandwidth and definition of SNR is practical, but comparing systems with differing signal bandwidths or SNR definitions requires careful attention to details and consideration of such things as the effects of power concentration.