
How is the setting described in The Outsiders?

How is the setting described in The Outsiders?

The action of The Outsiders takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1960s. Ponyboy explains that the greasers rule the poorer East Side of town, while the Socs run the wealthier West Side of town. Ponyboy longs to live in a place where no greasers or Socs reside, and he wants to live around “plain ordinary people.”

Who died in outsiders?

The soc, Bob Sheldon, dies first. When Ponyboy and Johnny flee after Darry hit Ponyboy they run into their rivals Bob and his best friend Randy Adderson. Bob takes Ponyboy and starts drowning him until Johnny gets his switchblade out and kills Bob. After this, Johnny dies.

What do small towns have that big cities dont?

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The Great Debate: Small Town vs Big City

  • Cost of Living. The cost of living in smaller communities is usually much lower than in big cities.
  • Job Market.
  • Making Friends and Finding Community.
  • Medical Care.
  • Nature.
  • 6. Entertainment.
  • Safety.

Why was The Outsiders banned?

It was ranked #38 on the American Library Association’s Top 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–1999. This book has been banned from some schools and libraries because of the portrayal of gang violence, underage smoking and drinking, strong language/slang, and family dysfunction.

Where does ponyboy Curtis live?

Tulsa, Oklahoma
Background. Ponyboy Curtis is a teenager who lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with two older brothers, Darrel (nicknamed “Darry” by his friends) and Sodapop.

Is the outsiders a true story?

S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders is loosely based on real-life high school drama. S.E. Hinton started writing the book when she was just 15 years old, seeing it published just a few years later.

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Who kills Dally?

How does Dally die? The policemen kill Dally. After Johnny dies in the hospital, Dally is so upset, he runs away from Ponyboy and robs a grocery store. The police chase him to the empty lot where the greasers hang out.

Does Ponyboy get a girlfriend?

Ponyboy makes plans to go to the drive-in with Johnny and Dally the following night, and then the greasers part ways. Sodapop then shares with Ponyboy his plan to marry Sandy, his girlfriend.

Is outsiders a true story?

Though the real setting may cause you to wonder if Outsiders is based on a true story (like History’s similarly located Hatfields & McCoys), this series is totally fictional.

Is The Outsiders rated R?

Note: The original cut of the movie was rated PG in 1983, before the PG-13 rating existed. The edited/extended cut released in 2003 carries the PG-13 rating.