
How long can you put Orangetheory membership on hold?

How long can you put Orangetheory membership on hold?

Members who are not ready to immediately return to the studio will have an option to re-freeze their membership for up to 3 months at no charge. Once your studio is projected to re-open, email communications will be sent to the email associated with your account with instructions on how to do so.

How often should you attend Orangetheory?

Dr. Masteller recommends attending 3-4 Orangetheory classes weekly, while also being physically active on your off days.

How many times a week should you do Orangetheory to lose weight?

Although Colton recommends people do Orangetheory three to four days a week to achieve results, that may be pricey depending on where you live.

How many times can you freeze your Orangetheory account?

You can freeze your membership for a minimum of 30 days or a maximum of 60 days up to two (2) times per year. During the freeze period, you will be charged a monthly suspend fee on the regular autopay date. Once the freeze period ends, your membership will revert to regular monthly billing.

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Can I put my Orangetheory membership on hold?

Yes, you can freeze your membership, but you will be shared $15 per month during the freeze. I froze my membership right before and after I had my third baby. Technically Orangetheory will only honor your freeze for two months, but they will often make exceptions, so just talk with them.

What is lift 45 Orangetheory?

Shaina Lore, an Orangetheory member in Cherry Hill, N.J., found her new in Lift 45. The class, as its name implies, is 45 minutes of functional strength training, featuring dumbbells, medicine balls, BOSU balls, TRX straps, workout benches and more.

Do you have to wear a mask at Orangetheory?

As Orangetheory Fitness studios have begun opening, we’re following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines by requiring all staff members to wear masks. In non-mandated states, we encourage members to wear masks. Yes, we know masks during workouts can be distracting.

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What is Orangetheory 60 min 3G?

The class is 60 minutes long and consists of two groups (2G) of members. Instead of just two groups as in a 2G, Orangetheory 3G classes will have members rotate throughout the class by spending one-third of their time on each station (treadmills, rowers, and floor).

Is Orangetheory unlimited worth it?

I won’t lie, I feel it’s very pricey, but depending on your fitness goals, it can be worth it. I have an unlimited monthly package for $149/month. You can also get a package for 4 classes/month and 8 classes/month which is more affordable. I am trying to go 3 days a week so the unlimited works best for me.