
How long does it take to get level 10 piano?

How long does it take to get level 10 piano?

The RCM uses grade levels, 1 through 10, and assuming it takes the average person 1 year per grade, you can expect to spend about 10 years getting to one of the highest skill levels, grade 10 (roughly equivalent to ABRSM level 8).

Is RCM better than ABRSM?

Ultimately, RCM grade 10 is roughly equivalent with ABRSM grade 8, and right in the middle is where things start to split. In general, grade 4 ABRSM is a little more difficult than grade 4 RCM (though you don’t have to learn as many pieces).

How many grades are there in piano?

There are a total of 8 grades in the ABRSM piano exams, where grade 1 is the easiest and grade 8 is the hardest. Each grade tests you in the following areas: scales and arpeggios, sight-reading, and aural testing.

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Is Level 8 RCM good?

The average student – one who works hard at music, but their life doesn’t revolve around practice – can reasonably expect to get a grade 8 RCM level by the time they’ve finished high school. Grade 8 represents a solid understanding and competency in music.

What grade is intermediate in music?

I personally would consider grade 1-5 to be ‘beginner’ (this is the stage when you learn the basic teachniques which will be needed and developed further as you progress), grades 6-8 as ‘intermediate’ (the music becomes more demanding in terms of both technique and expression and greater instrumental control is …

Is there a Grade 9 in piano?

1-3*, Piano Method (Original Works) Grade 9** or any pieces that are the same difficulty level. One candidate’s own composition can be included instead. Candidates will be asked to play two chosen by the examiners from the pieces prepared.

What RCM level is Rondo Alla Turca?

The whole A Major sonata is in the ARCT syllabus, although the first movement is probably the hardest part and the rondo the easiest part. Bernhard on PianoStreet rated K331 as Grade 7 ABRSM which equates to Grade 9 RCM.

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What RCM level is considered advanced?


Comprehensive Certificates Examinations Required
Level 5 Level 5 Practical Level 5 Theory or Basic Rudiments
Level 6 Level 6 Practical Level 6 Theory or Intermediate Rudiments
Level 7 Level 7 Practical Level 7 Theory or Advanced Rudiments
Level 8 Level 8 Practical Level 8 Theory or Advanced Rudiments