
How long does spearmint tea reduce facial hair?

How long does spearmint tea reduce facial hair?

In a longer, 30-day study in 41 women with PCOS, women who drank two cups a day of spearmint tea reported a reduction in their facial hair ( 10 ). However, 30 days may not be long enough to see a definitive difference. Summary Two cups of spearmint tea a day may help reduce facial hair growth in women.

How long does spearmint tea take to work hirsutism?

Women with excess body hair, a condition known as hirsutism, who drank two cups of the herbal tea a day for five days showed significant reductions in their levels of free testosterone, Dr.

Does peppermint tea reduce facial hair?

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Peppermint tea also reduces testosterone and thus hair growth, though not to the extent that spearmint tea does. Peppermint tea is what lead researchers to study spearmint tea, as they knew the active ingredient that they thought reduced hair grow was more concentrated in spearmint tea than peppermint.

Can Mint reduce facial hair?

May Reduce Facial Hair in Women Drinking spearmint tea may help reduce hirsutism, or growth of dark, coarse hair on the face, chest and abdomen of women. In fact, it’s a common herbal remedy for unwanted hair growth in Middle Eastern countries ( 12 ).

How can I control my facial hair from PCOS?

Treatment Options

  1. Medication, such as birth control pills and anti-androgen drugs, such as Aldactone (spironolactone)
  2. Electrolysis, which has risks including swelling, scarring, and redness of the skin.
  3. Laser hair reduction (this method works best on fair-skinned people with very dark hair)
  4. Shaving.

Which tea is best for hirsutism?

Spearmint tea
Spearmint tea has long been recommended for decreasing hirsutism, which is a debilitating symptom for many women with PCOS. Note that it’s specifically spearmint, not peppermint, or generic “mint” tea.

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When should I drink spearmint tea for hirsutism?

International report – Women who drink spearmint tea twice a day for five days can reduce levels of androgens that can cause hirsutism, a recent article in Phytotherapy Research states.

Is it safe to drink spearmint tea everyday?

Early research shows that drinking spearmint tea twice daily for up to one month can decrease levels of male sex hormone (testosterone) and increase levels of female sex hormone (estradiol) and other hormones in women with male-pattern hair growth.

Is PCOS hirsutism reversible?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a cause of infertility, is the most common cause of hirsutism. Hirsutism is a common disorder, affecting up to 10 percent of women in the United States. Not all causes of hirsutism are reversible, but the symptoms usually are manageable with medical and cosmetic treatments.

Can PCOS patients drink tea?

[18] The results of the present study showed that green tea consumption can significantly decrease the insulin resistance in overweight and obese women suffering from PCOS. Level of fasting insulin and free testosterone level decrease in overweight and obese women suffering from PCOS.

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What tea is good for hirsutism?

Spearmint tea (Mentha spicata), 1 cup, 2 times per day. A preliminary study found that women with hirsutism who drank spearmint tea had less free testosterone (a male hormone) in their blood. The researchers thought the tea might reduce symptoms of mild hirsutism.