
How long is AIT for 18X?

How long is AIT for 18X?

A recruit who enlists in the 18X Special Forces enlistment program will attend Infantry OSUT (One Station Unit Training), which combines Army Basic Training and Infantry AIT (Advanced Individual Training), all in one 17-week course.

How do you go 18X?

An 18X candidate enters the Army, attends OSUT at Fort Benning, consisting of Basic training and Infantry Advanced Individual Training (AIT). 18X candidates then attend Airborne school before moving to Ft. Bragg, NC. 18X candidates then attend a course named Special Operations Prepatory Course, or SOPC.

Do Air Force Special Forces go through SERE training?

Yes, all special forces go through SERE(Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) training. The SERE course they go through is slightly more in depth than the ones that other aircrews through because of how they spend time behind enemy lines and may be treated harsher because they are special forces.

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Is SERE training still part of the SF program?

Yes, currently all Army Special Forces personnel must complete the 3 week (19 Days) SERE course as part of Phase II training. SF training changes fairly frequently and is now starting yet another evolution. But SERE has been part of the program in one form or another.

How long does it take to complete SERE training?

Takes moments to set up. Yes, currently all Army Special Forces personnel must complete the 3 week (19 Days) SERE course as part of Phase II training. SF training changes fairly frequently and is now starting yet another evolution. But SERE has been part of the program in one form or another.

What training is required to become a Special Forces soldier?

In order to start training as a Special Forces Soldier, you must have completed the following courses: Basic Combat Training Advanced Individual Training Airborne School