
How many electrons fit in each shell?

How many electrons fit in each shell?

Each successive shell can only hold a certain number of electrons. The innermost shell is filled first. This shell can contain a maximum of two electrons. The second shell can hold a maximum of eight electrons….Electron shells.

Energy shell Maximum number of electrons
First 2
Second 8
Third 8

How many electrons fit in the 1st shell?

2 electrons
The first shell, closest to the nucleus and with the lowest-energy electrons, is shell 1. This first shell has only one subshell (labeled 1s) and can hold a maximum of 2 electrons. This is why there are two elements in the first row of the periodic table (H & He).

How many electrons can fit in the 4th shell?

This model breaks down at the n=3 shell because each shell has subshells. There are 4 subshells, s, p, d, and f. Each subshell can hold a different number of electrons….Search form.

n= Shell Maximum Number of Electrons
1 1st Shell 2
2 2nd Shell 8
3 3rd Shell 18
4 4th Shell 32
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What is the first shell?

The first shell is closest to the nucleus. The others extend outward from the nucleus and overlap one another. The shells are sometimes designated by capital letters beginning with K for the first shell, L for the second, M for the third, and so forth.

How many electrons fit in the 5th shell?

Questions and Answers

Energy Level (Principal Quantum Number) Shell Letter Electron Capacity
2 L 8
3 M 18
4 N 32
5 O 50

What is the 2-8-8 rule in chemistry?

There is a 2-8-8 rule for these elements. The first shell is filled with 2 electrons, the second is filled with 8 electrons, and the third is filled with 8. You can see that sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg) have a couple of extra electrons. They, like all atoms, want to be happy.