
How many photos are required for opening account in SBI?

How many photos are required for opening account in SBI?

To open a savings account with SBI at a branch, you must follow these steps: Make sure that you carry with you an identification proof (preferably your PAN Card), an address proof (preferably your Aadhaar card), and two passport size photographs.

How many photos are required to open a bank account?

Savings Bank, Current Accounts, Term Deposits, Recurring Deposits, or loan accounts, all the depositors/account holders have to submit two copies of latest photographs for the bank’s record. This condition of submitting photographs applies to all categories of depositors, whether resident or non-resident.

Which documents are required for opening SBI account?

Documents Required to Open SBI Savings Account

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Proof of identity Passport, Driving license, Voter’s ID card, etc.
Proof of address Passport, Driving license, Voter’s ID card, etc.
Other important documents PAN card Form 16 (only if PAN card is not available) 2 latest passport size photographs

Is photo required for bank account?

To open a savings account, KYC documents are required. KYC documents are proof of identity and address which are required for verification. A photograph is also required for a savings account.

Can I take a passport size photo on my phone?

You can take your passport photo using any device that captures photo, whether that’s your phone, a digital camera, or a tablet. A tripod is optional, but may make it easier to keep the camera steady and level.

What is passport size photo in India?

51mm x 51mm
What is the photo size for an Indian Passport? An Indian passport photos must be 51mm x 51mm or 2×2 inches. The head should be sized in-between 35mm to 40mm. You can easily get your Indian Passport Photo online today.

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How many accounts can be open in SBI?

You may open an account jointly, with up to three applicants. 3. Will KYC documents be required for all account holders?

What is small and basic SB account in SBI?

Features and Benefits of SBI Small Savings Account It comes with a debit card that is widely accessible. It comes with a low minimum average quarterly balance requirement. It offers the benefit of moderate earning to the account holder. It allows the account holder to maintain a maximum balance of Rs 50,000.