
How much distance do I need for construction near a national highway?

How much distance do I need for construction near a national highway?

In this order the court had directed the authorities to strictly abide by the restrictions on such constructions. The rules mandate that there shall be no construction within 40 meters of national highways, state highways and 25 meters from the centre of road in case of district main road.

How much distance do I need for construction near a national highway in India?

7.5 metres
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has decided to increase the minimum wayside construction distance of the National Highway (NH) to 7.5 metres (m). The minimum distance between the highway and the houses was 3 m, and for commercial establishments, it was 6 m.

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Are maintained by NHAI?

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) was constituted by an Act of Parliament in 1988 under the administrative control of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways NHAI has been set up as a Central Authority to develop, maintain and manage the National Highways entrusted to it by the Government of India.

How far should a road be from a building?

(1) The minimum distance between the central line of a street and any building (other than a compound wall or fence or outdoor display structure) shall be 4.50 metres and the minimum distance between the street boundary and building shall be 2 metres for buildings upto 7 metres in height, in roads other than National …

What is the minimum distance beyond which a building can be constructed on a state highway?

State highway: buildings should be located at a distance of 4.5m from the state highway (the distance between the centre of the road and building will be 20m).

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Who constructed Indian highways?

public works department
The major roads in India are the national and State highways. National Highways (NH) are built, financed and maintained by the Central government whereas State Highways (SH) are developed by the respective States’ public works department.

What is the difference between NHAI and Cpwd?

full form of NHAI is The National Highway Authority of India. CPWD is The Central Public Work Department of india.

What do you mean by road plan define NHAI?

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is an autonomous agency of the Government of India, set up in 1995 (Act 1988) and is responsible for management of a network of over 50,000 km of National Highways out of 1,32,499 km in India. It is a nodal agency of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.