
How much do we pay Congress each year?

How much do we pay Congress each year?

Salaries of members of the United States Congress

Position Salary
Senators and House Representatives $174,000
Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico $174,000
President pro tempore of the Senate $193,400
Majority leader and minority leader of the Senate $193,400

Is Congress paid by tax dollars?

Members of Congress pay income taxes just like every other American. The U.S. tax code states that everyone who receives revenue must pay an income tax, including Representatives and Senators.

How much money does a congressman get to run his office?

The compensation for most Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico is $174,000. These levels have remained unchanged since 2009.

Who pays for US senators travel?

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Official travel usually includes travel paid for out of Congressional funds, as well as the travel of Members, Senators or staff abroad as part of an official delegation. All official travel must be paid for or authorized by the House or Senate.

Who is in charge of the House?

United States House of Representatives
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) since January 3, 2019
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D) since January 3, 2019
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R) since January 3, 2019

How much do US cabinet members make?

Cabinet Secretaries As of fiscal year 2019, all of these officials were paid $210,700 per year.

Do senators get free travel?

These allowances cover official office expenses, including staff, mail, travel between a Member’s district or state and Washington, DC, equipment, and other goods and services.

What do the majority and minority leaders of the House do?

The leaders serve as spokespersons for their party’s positions on issues. Elected at the beginning of each Congress by members of their respective party conferences to represent them on the Senate floor, the majority and minority leaders serve as spokesmen for their parties’ positions on the issues.