
How much is RTP stipend?

How much is RTP stipend?

The RTP stipends are valued at $35,950 per annum (2022 rate). The RTP International Scholarship provides a stipend to assist with living costs and overseas health cover as well as tuition fees offsets (i.e. no tuition fees are applicable).

What is RTP PhD?

Overview. The RTP provides block grants, on a calendar year basis, to higher education providers (HEPs) to support both domestic and overseas students undertaking research doctorate and research masters degrees, known as higher degrees by research (HDRs).

Do all PhD students get stipend Australia?

Funding your PhD in Australia The Australian Government also offers a stipend for PhD students to live on while they research as part of the RTP. If your research qualifies for the RTP and you come from a qualifying country or are considered a domestic student, then you will also qualify for the stipend.

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Are PhD students Employees Australia?

According to the Australian Higher Education Industrial Association, there are nine legal reasons why PhD students on scholarship are not employees of the university where they research. The relationship is that of a student and educational institution, not that of employee and employer.

Is RTP taxed?

Because the RTP fee offset scholarship is an indirect payment to the university it does not constitute income to you and so it will not be subject to income tax. Full-time RTP stipend scholarships will also continue to be tax free.

Is the RTP taxable?

How do I get an RTP in Australia?

To be eligible for a RTP Stipend Scholarship, you must: To be eligible for a RTP Stipend, RTP Fees Offset or RTP Allowance a student must be a domestic student or an overseas student enrolled in an accredited HDR course of study at an Australian HEP.

How many words is a PhD thesis Australia?

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There are three common types of thesis documents allowed in the ANU research award rules: a standard thesis of up to 100,000 words in length for a PhD (or 60,000 words for an M.