
How old is a Secondary 4 student?

How old is a Secondary 4 student?

Your child should not be more than 2 years older than the appropriate age for that education level….Studying in Singapore.

Education level Appropriate age as at 1 Jan of admission year
Secondary 1 12 to 12+
Secondary 2 13 to 13+
Secondary 3 14 to 14+
Secondary 4 New students are generally not admitted at this level.

What grades are in secondary school in Singapore?

Secondary schools

  • A1: 75\% – 100\%
  • A2: 70\% – 74\%
  • B3: 65\% – 69\%
  • B4: 60\% – 64\%
  • C5: 55\% – 59\%
  • C6: 50\% – 54\%
  • D7: 45\% – 49\%
  • E8: 40\% – 44\%

How old is secondary 3 in Singapore?

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On the other hand, the beginning of secondary education at international schools depends on the curriculum offered by the respective schools. Schools that follow the British Curriculum Secondary levels consist of KS3 (Ages 11 to 14) and KS4 (Ages 14 to 16).

What are grades called in Singapore?

In some Secondary Schools in Singapore, Grade Point Average or as more commonly known as GPA is used for grading students in exams….Grade Point Average.

Grade Percentage Grade Point
A 80\% to 100\% 4.0
A 70\% to 79\% 3.6
B 65\% to 69\% 3.2
B 60\% to 64\% 2.8

What is 5th grade in Singapore?

School grades

Level/Grade Typical age on birthday
Secondary 2 14
Secondary 3 15
Secondary 4 16
Secondary 5 (available for normal academic stream only) 17

What is 10th grade called in Singapore?

Secondary 4 level
In Singapore, 10th grade is equivalent of Secondary 4 level. Students are usually 16 years old and will take either the GCE ‘N’ Levels or the GCE ‘O’ Levels at the end of the year.

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What age is grade 3 in Singapore?

School grades

Level/Grade Typical age on birthday
Primary 3 9
Primary 4 10
Primary 5 11
Primary 6 12

How many grades are there in Singapore?

School Grades in Singapore

Primary 4 9-10
Primary 5 10-11
Primary 6 11-12
Secondary school

What is 6th grade Singapore?

Singapore. In Singapore, the equivalent is Year 6 also known as Primary 6. They would have to take the Primary School Leaving Examination at around September to proceed to Secondary School.

What grade is 2ndary 4 equivalent to in Singapore?

Secondary 4 is considered as O level and equivalent to grade 10. You can check for more information about Singapore. Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board – Wikipedia. And it equivalent qualification comparison with other country board is here http://www.taftc.org/wp-content/…

What is the education level of students in Singapore?

Studying in Singapore Education level Appropriate age as at 1 Jan of admission Secondary 1 12 to 12+ Secondary 2 13 to 13+ Secondary 3 14 to 14+ Secondary 4 New students are generally not admitted

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What is the grading system for primary schools in Singapore?

Primary schools in Singapore implement a grading system along with an “Achievement Band” until the system disregarded the EM3 stream and concentrated on an “Overall Grade” scheme, which grades students as below. From 2021 onwards, the Primary 6 Cohorts will also be using the Achievement Level system (AL) which will be used for the PSLE:

What is tertiary education in Singapore?

Tertiary Education. Students who completed their GCE O Levels may proceed directly to polytechnics. To enter university though, they must first pass their A Levels after studying for 2 years more at a pre-university. There are 5 polytechnics in Singapore, and 3 autonomous universities responsible for their own curricula.