
Is 780 a good SAT chemistry score?

Is 780 a good SAT chemistry score?

For example, 73\% of students scored a 760 or below on the exam. You’ll also note that nearly half of all test-takers scored a 700 or higher on the exam….Discussion of Chemistry SAT Subject Test Scores.

Chemistry SAT Subject Test Score Percentiles (2018-2020)
Subject Test Score Percentile
800 89
780 82
760 73

What is a 770 math level?

Literature, History, and Math Subject Tests

Score Literature Math Level II
780 96 66
770 95 62
760 93 59
750 90 55

Is a 770 in math good?

Students scoring a 720 in Evidence-Based Reading & Writing in the national pool in 2021 were in the 96th percentile nationally, and students scoring a 770 were in the 99th percentile. For Math, a score of 740 is in the 95th percentile nationally and 800 is 99th percentile.

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IS 760 in math good?

Note that the Math curve is more competitive near the top than the EBRW curve is….SAT Percentile Charts by Section.

Section Score Range SAT EBRW Percentiles SAT Math Percentiles
760-780 99 to 99+ 96 to 98
740-760 98 to 99 95 to 96
720-740 96 to 98 93 to 95
700-720 94 to 96 91 to 93

Is a 770 SAT 2 good?

A 680 in Literature and 770 in Math 2 are both reported as 67th percentile, but they are not equivalent. The simplest way of looking at the scores also happens to be the most accurate — the Math 2 score is 90 points higher and is the better score. The average SAT Math score among Math 2 takers is 720.

Is 760 on SAT chemistry good?

760 is plenty good enough, especially tied with a 34/800 Math 2.

Is 780 a good SAT physics score?

A good score on the AP Physics exam, however, often will earn students college credit (especially the Physics-C exam)….

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Physics SAT Subject Test Scores and Percentiles
Physics SAT Subject Test Score Percentile
800 87
780 80
760 74