
Is a computer a portable device?

Is a computer a portable device?

Portable computers have become an extremely important aspect of human computing, as computers such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones start to progress their capabilities. A handheld computer or mobile computer may also be considered a portable unit.

Which type of computers are portable?

There are different types of portable computers is given below.

  • Laptop.
  • Netbook.
  • Tablet PC.
  • Smartphone.

Is laptop a portable?

Laptops are built for mobile computing. They are much smaller in size and weight than desktop computers, and they are portable, which means that they can easily be carried from one place to another. Due to their smaller size, the components that make up a laptop have to be compact.

Which computer is non portable?

A desktop computer is a personal computer in a form intended for regular use at a single location, as opposed to a mobile laptop or portable computer. Early desktop computers were designed to lie flat on the desk, while modern towers stand upright.

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What are portable gadgets?

Mobile. These days, most gadgets, including phones, tablets, and laptops, are often considered mobile devices. An external hard drive or external battery pack, for example, might be considered a portable device, while a small wireless hotspot could be considered a mobile device.

What is the mean of portable?

Definition of portable (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : capable of being carried or moved about a portable TV. b : characterized by portability a portable pension. c : usable on many computers with little or no modification portable software.

How many types of portable are there?

Today, only three basic categories of PC-compatible portable computers remain : Laptops/ notebooks. Tablets. Palmtops/PDAs.

Is tablet a portable computer?

A tablet is a wireless, portable personal computer with a touchscreen interface. The tablet form factor is typically smaller than a notebook computer, but larger than a smartphone.

What is non portable?

: not portable : too bulky or heavy or too complexly or firmly fixed to be easily moved.

Does portable mean wireless?

Portable vs. These devices are small and capable enough to allow users to be mobile. The term mobile device also connotes wireless connectivity. An external hard drive or external battery pack, for example, might be considered a portable device, while a small wireless hotspot could be considered a mobile device.

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What is difference between mobile and portable?

1 Answer. Portable – capable of being [easily] transported or conveyed. E.g. a laptop computer is a portable device (compared to a desktop device which can be moved only with some difficulty). Mobile – capable of moving or being moved readily.

What is portable example?

1. The definition of portable is something that can be moved easily from place to place. A small radio that can be moved easily is an example of something that would be described as portable. adjective. Able to be carried or easily moved.