
Is consequence a negative word?

Is consequence a negative word?

A consequence is the result or effect of an action. Consequence can have a bit of a negative connotation for though results can be positive or negative, the word consequence tends to be used for the negative. The adverb form consequently, in contrast, has no negative connotation.

What does having consequences mean?

A consequence is a “result” or “conclusion,” and the Latin sequī, “to follow,” is part of its history. Most actions and acts of nature have a consequence that follows as a result. When people do something wrong, like rob a bank, the consequence will probably be prison time.

Is a consequence always bad?

Consequences can be positive or negative. Positive consequences reinforce behaviour and make it more likely to happen again. Positive consequences include positive attention and praise and rewards for good behaviour. Negative consequences make behaviour less likely to happen again.

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What is the another word for consequences?

A consequence or ensuing result of some action. repercussion. consequence. result. effect.

What type of connotation does the word consequence typically have?

Some common synonyms of consequence are importance, moment, significance, and weight. While all these words mean “a quality or aspect having great worth or significance,” consequence generally implies importance because of probable or possible effects.

What is cause and consequence?

Cause and consequence. the factors or circumstances that cause something to happen and. the consequent results or impact on future events. Cause and consequence.

What negative consequences mean?

Negative consequences are also called discipline. Negative consequences include things like: ignoring. distraction (i.e. getting your child to focus on something else) natural consequences (e.g. your child is playing roughly with a toy and the toy breaks)

What are some negative behaviors?

Here are some of the most common types of negative behavior to look out for:

  • Lateness. People arriving late is a very common occurrence in the average workforce.
  • Rudeness.
  • Resistance to working with others.
  • Bullying.
  • Lack of discretion.
  • Having nothing positive to say.
  • Not responding well to criticism.
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What’s another word for negative consequences?

What is another word for negative impact?

bad result bleak outcome
undesirable effect deleterious effect
ruinous effect injurious effect
bad effect damaging effect
destructive effect detrimental effect

What is a synonym for negative consequences?

1 contradictory, contrary, denying, dissenting, opposing, recusant, refusing, rejecting, resisting. 2 annulling, counteractive, invalidating, neutralizing, nullifying. 3 antagonistic, colourless, contrary, cynical, gloomy, jaundiced, neutral, pessimistic, uncooperative, unenthusiastic, uninterested, unwilling, weak. n.