
Is God the cause of sin?

Is God the cause of sin?

6 Although God causes the act of sin, he does not cause the sin itself, since he does not cause the defect that renders the act sinful. The cause of the sin itself, therefore, is the creature, who causes both the act and the defect.

Is sin part of God’s plan?

Clearly, sin and evil have entered the world. God cannot be responsible for sin. Sin has clearly entered the world; therefore, we must conclude sin was part of God’s original plan. There is no Plan B because God is perfect and it is impossible for Plan A, the only plan of God, to fail.

Does sin have a cause?

Therefore, sin does not have a cause. But contrary to this: Everything that comes to exist has a cause, since, as Job 5:6 says, “Nothing on earth occurs without a cause.” But sin occurs, since sin is “a word or deed or thought that is contrary to God’s law.” Therefore, sin has a cause.

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Does the Bible prohibit drinking?

The Bible does not forbid drinking alcohol, but it does warn against dangers of drinking too much, engaging in immoral behavior, and other consequences of alcohol use.

Who caused Satan to sin?

No one but Satan caused Satan to sin. God did not cause Satan to do anything bad. He chose to sin and rebel against God. There are descriptions of Satan in the Old Testament that might help us answer the question. Perhaps the two most relevant are found in Isaiah and Ezekiel :

Does God ’cause’ sin?

God does not cause anyone to sin ( James 1:13 ). In the freedom of our own wills, we decide to rebel against God. God simply allowed the condition to exist where sin was possible. An analogy can be found in the relationship between a parent and a child.

Did God create Sin?

No, God did not create sin nor has he ever sinned. God is holy and He would not create that which is contrary to His nature. Sinfulness is the opposite of holiness. It is lawlessness (1 John 3:4). God is the author of the Law which is a reflection of His holy character (Exodus 20:1-17).

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Did God ordain sin?

Because mankind is not allowed to sin and is judged because of sin, many assume that God ordaining sin for His own purposes is like man sinning. So they take away the ordaining, and say that God permits sin, which is nothing more than a passive quasi ordination being made allowable by a loop hole.
