
Is it bad to share middle name?

Is it bad to share middle name?

To protect your full legal name, don’t tell people your middle name or your true first name if you use a nickname. Limit the number of people who know your full name to those who really do need to know it — and don’t put a picture of your driver’s license or passport online.

Why don’t we use middle names?

While middle names began appearing in the late Medieval times, they were reserved only for nobility in England with an old law making them illegal for the rest of the population. Since the Pilgrims and many early settlers came from England, early American tradition included just the two names.

Why do people sometimes go by their middle name?

The best explanation seems to stem from Southerners’ penchant for keeping a name going down the line, especially for males. You end up with John Smith Jr., III, and IV in one family, and calling a child by his middle name is an easy way to distinguish between him and his father.

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Why do people ask for middle names?

The tradition was spread to America as people started to immigrate overseas. As time went on, people started to stray away from religious middle names and get creative with the second name of their child. A common tradition was making the middle name the maiden name of the mother.

Why do lawyers use their middle names?

Apparently, people trust others with easy to pronounce names, and find people who use middle initials to be more intellectual. So lawyers should use their middle initials in their correspondence.

Do I have to put my middle name on my resume?

It literally does not matter at all to HR, a hiring manager or a recruiter about having a middle initial. The only thing it does help with is if you have a super common name and this middle initial can differentiate you from someone with the same name.

Do I need to use my middle name?

It is not necessary to have a middle name. In fact, some individuals do not have a middle name. So it is not legally necessary. From a standpoint of fraud, it is a good idea to have a middle name because it adds another reference to your identity that individualizes you from others.