
Is it possible to change stream from commerce to science?

Is it possible to change stream from commerce to science?

Can I change my stream after class 11th from commerce to science (PCB)? YES, you can absolutely change your group from commerce to science but while studying 11th class. After completion of 11th class in one stream and joining another stream in 12th is not possible.

Can commerce students attend science?

From 12th Commerce, you cannot go to Science stream and become a Doctor. If you do the above, your 2 years of Commerce will be waste along with money and energy and time.

Can a commerce student change stream?

A student, who do not perform well in one subject or stream and wishes to change the same, should be given the freedom to do the same. CBSE should have given a notice last year before its implementation, as the students would have chosen their streams accordingly.

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Can I change to science stream while doing commerce?

Yes you can change your stream. But It may be possible that you can change your stream. You can only change your stream if the seats in other stream are available and you get the cut off marks required for that stream. Re: Can I change to science stream while doing commerce?

Can I Change my stream from 11th Commerce to 12th science?

As you told you have commerce in 11th & now you are in 12th so you want to change your stream but it is only possible when in science stream there is a vacant seat and Principal of your school allowed you to do so.

Should I choose science or commerce after 10th?

Science stream and commerce stream are the most popular areas of study among Indian students. Most students after 10th are conflicted about whether to pursue science or commerce. While the job opportunities are immense in both fields, there are other factors that one must analyze before deciding between the two.

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How to switch from science to commerce after 12th in India?

Most Indian universities allow a student of science to cross over to commerce after the 12th. In most cases, all you have to do is apply for admission to the commerce stream at a particular college. The specific method will depend upon your university and its rules and regulations.