
Is it possible to have no PMS symptoms and be pregnant?

Is it possible to have no PMS symptoms and be pregnant?

Implantation usually occurs a few days before a missed period. Therefore, hCG levels are still low by the time a woman expects her period. Due to these low levels, some women notice no symptoms at all or only experience very subtle symptoms, which they may attribute to something else.

What does it mean when you have no period symptoms?

Stress can throw your hormone levels off and, as a result, leave you with period symptoms but no period. If you’re feeling stressed, take some time to learn coping mechanisms, rest, and reset your body and mind. Other possible signs of stress: Fatigue, change in libido, upset stomach, insomnia.

When does the symptoms of pregnancy start?

It takes about 2 to 3 weeks after sex for pregnancy to happen. Some people notice pregnancy symptoms as early as a week after pregnancy begins — when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of your uterus. Other people don’t notice symptoms until a few months into their pregnancy.

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Did anyone feel like period was coming but pregnant?

Some premenstrual symptoms can be similar to symptoms of pregnancy. This can lead you to think you’re pregnant, even if you’re not. It can also lead to convincing period symptoms even when you are pregnant. Some women might have had convincing period symptoms but got a BFP when doing a pregnancy test.

Can you be 5 weeks pregnant with no symptoms?

Some moms-to-be who are 5 weeks pregnant feel no symptoms at all. Or it might feel like, at 5 weeks pregnant, symptoms come and go. And all of that is totally okay! Just because you’re not feeling sick or sore doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with the pregnancy.

Can you be 3 weeks pregnant with no symptoms?

When you’re 3 weeks pregnant, symptoms may not have appeared yet. That’s because most early pregnancy symptoms are caused by pregnancy hormones, and you probably don’t have a very high level of those in your body yet.