
Is KPMG hard to get into?

Is KPMG hard to get into?

That equates to an acceptance rate of approximately 11\%. Once you get your foot in the door as an intern, however, your chance of getting a full-time offer increases dramatically. Typically between 90\% and 93\% of KPMG get offers to join the firm full-time after graduation, and the acceptance rate hovers around 95\%.

How do you apply for Big 4?

Ways to Apply in Big 4

  1. 1) ICAI BoS Articleship Portal.
  2. 2) ICAI Notice Board.
  3. 3) Direct Apply to Big 4.
  4. 4) Application through Email.
  5. 5) Reference.
  6. Big Consultancy Firms.
  7. Selection Process in Firms.

Who can get Articleship in big 4?

Only CA Intermediate/IPCC rank holders and students who clear the second level in the first attempt can get an articleship. Students who have completed both groups together get articleship in big 4 CA firms.

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Is getting Articleship in big 4 difficult?

Yes, they do prefer ranks, but they don’t swear by it. As such the score depends on the overall result percentage. So in an attempt where the overall result is as low as 3-4\%, even 55-60\% gives you a good chance, whereas if the overall result spikes up, even 65\% won’t help.

Why begin your career in public accounting at the Big 4?

How beginning your career with a stint in public accounting at Deloitte, EY, KPMG, or PwC pays off 1 Developing Your Career. Starting your career at the Big 4 puts you on a solid foundation, and your momentum only… 2 Building Your Network. Starting your career at the Big 4 can exponentially increase the size of your professional… More

What is it like to work at a big 4 firm?

We asked out experts the top 5 things to know about working at a Big 4. Many current students believe that working at a Big 4 is the top accounting job you can get out of college. The Big 4 firms all typically have a number of services, which might attract different types of students, including Audit, Tax, and Consulting.

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What degree do I need to work at the Big 4?

If you’re interested in working at a Big 4, you’ll need to at least do a Bachelor’s in Accounting. You should start by looking on our college search page to find a program in your area or read our article on the best schools for Big 4 jobs!