
Is Mandarin or Cantonese more common in California?

Is Mandarin or Cantonese more common in California?

are not mutually intelligible. When asked census forms and surveys, respondents will only answer with “Chinese”. According to data reported on the 2000 US Census long-form, 259,750 people spoke “Cantonese”, with 58.62\% percent residing in California and the next most with 16.19\% in New York.

Which is used more Mandarin or Cantonese?

Worldwide, there are about 66 million Cantonese speakers. Compare this with Mandarin, which is spoken by about 1 billion people worldwide. Of all languages, Mandarin is the most widely-spoken.

Is Mandarin or Cantonese more common in San Francisco?

Since the middle of the 19th century, Chinese immigrants from the Cantonese speaking parts of China have been immigrating to San Francisco, and while Mandarin speakers are on the rise, Cantonese remains the dominant language in San Francisco.

Which should I learn first Mandarin or Cantonese?

It doesn’t really matter which you learn first. Just know that Mandarin is useful throughout the entire mainland, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore while Cantonese is useful in basically just Hong Kong. Sure there are parts of Guangdong that speak it, but it functions more as a local dialect.

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What language is spoken the most in California?

California has over 200 languages spoken in the state. English is the most spoken language with Spanish being the second most spoken….The Most Spoken Languages in California.

Rank Language Est. Number of Speakers
1 English 20,379,282
2 Spanish 10,672,610
3 Chinese 1,231,425
4 Tagalog 796,451

Is Cantonese important to learn?

It’s also called Yue and is the dominant language in Southeastern China. Like Mandarin, Cantonese is spoken in 13 countries and has 73.4 million people who speak it as their first language. However, it is still a very important language that is worth learning, especially for business.

What is the 2nd most spoken language in California?

The Answer: Spanish and Spanish Creole compose the second most popular language grouping in the state, being spoken by 25.8\% of Californians. Chinese is a distant third, spoken by 2.6\%. Tagalog is spoken by 2.0\%, Vietnamese by 1.3\%, and Korean by 0.9\%.