
Is Marburg virus the same as Ebola?

Is Marburg virus the same as Ebola?

Ebola virus is part of the Filoviridae family, which also includes Marburg virus. Marburg virus disease was first recognized in 1967 and is characterized by the same symptoms and transmission routes as Ebola virus disease.

What is the kill rate of Ebola and Marburg?

The average fatality rate for both Marburg virus and Ebola virus infections is around 50\%. Fatality rates have varied from 24\% to 88\% in past outbreaks of Marburg virus infection depending on virus strain and case management. Case fatality rates of Ebola virus infection have varied from 25\% to 90\% in past outbreaks.

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Can Marburg kill you?

It can kill about nine in 10 of those infected. There have been 12 major Marburg outbreaks since it was first discovered in 1967 in Germany, mostly in southern and eastern Africa.

What is the mortality rate of Marburg virus?

The case-fatality rate for MVD is between 23-90\%. For a complete listing of the case fatality rates for each outbreak, please see the History of Outbreaks table.

Who is most likely to get Marburg?

Historically, the people at highest risk include family members and hospital staff who care for patients infected with Marburg virus and have not used proper infection prevention and control measures.

What is the death rate of Marburg?

Key facts. Marburg virus disease (MVD), formerly known as Marburg haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. The virus causes severe viral haemorrhagic fever in humans. The average MVD case fatality rate is around 50\%.

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How many died from Marburg?

From 1967–2012, 571 cases of Marburg virus disease including 470 deaths were reported. During this period, outbreaks were reported mainly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Sudan and Uganda [12].

Is Marburg virus rare?

Marburg virus disease (MVD) is a rare but severe hemorrhagic fever which affects both people and non-human primates.

Is Marburg treatable?

There is no specific treatment for Marburg virus disease. Supportive hospital therapy should be utilized, which includes balancing the patient’s fluids and electrolytes, maintaining oxygen status and blood pressure, replacing lost blood and clotting factors, and treatment for any complicating infections.

How common is Marburg virus?