
Is RRB NTPC exam easy?

Is RRB NTPC exam easy?

After the RRB NTPC exam analysis done by Careers360 for the RRB NTPC exam for all the shifts today, March 27, it was found that the difficulty level of the exam was moderate.

What is safe score for RRB NTPC?

RRB NTPC 1st Stage CBT Expected Cut off 2020 – 21

Category Expected Cut off(Out of 100 marks)
General 82-84
OBC 76-78
SC 69-73
ST 64-68

What is the level of RRB NTPC exam?

RRB NTPC Exam Analysis: 16th January 2021

Subject No. of Qs Difficulty Level (1st Shift)
Mathematics 30 Moderate
General Awareness 40 Easy
General Intelligence and Reasoning 30 Moderate
Total 100 Easy to Moderate

Is NTPC CBT 2 tough?

The exam wasn’t too difficult and it wasn’t too easy at the same time. About the CBT 2, we feel that the difficult level for mathematics section will be high but for the rest of the sections, it can be moderate to high.

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What is the cut off marks for NTPC?

Approximately, 1.2 crore candidates attempted this exam at various exam centers. Now all those are searching online for the RRB NTPC CBT-I Cut off 2021 Category Wise and Region Wise….RRB NTPC Expected Cut off Marks 2021 CBT 1st Stage.

Category Expected Cut off Marks (Out of 100)
General 70-84
OBC 60-79
SC 55-68
ST 41-56

Is RRB NTPC negative marking?

Yes, There is negative marking in the RRB NTPC 1st Stage and 2nd Stage Examination. The marks deducted for every wrong answer is ⅓. What is the RRB NTPC Typing Skill Test?