
Is SQL faster than Ruby?

Is SQL faster than Ruby?

SQL Databases have been optimized to be very fast and efficient in terms of data retrieval and manipulation. In general, using SQL to retrieve and sort data will be much faster than using a similar command in Ruby.

Is active record slow?

The method using the first version on average takes 300ms to execute (the operation is called a couple thousand times total within it), and the method using the second version takes about 550ms. That’s almost 100\% decrease in speed.

Are there any other frameworks like Ruby on rails?

There are other frameworks based on Ruby, but their popularity with developers, as well as the number of active contributors are low compared to Ruby on Rails. We’ll take a closer look at that later on in the article.

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Is Ruby fast enough for web development?

Rails [Ruby] is for the vast majority of web applications Fast Enough. We got sites doing millions of dynamic page views per day. If you end up being with the Yahoo or Amazon front page, it’s unlikely that an off-the-shelve framework in ANY language will do you much good. You’ll probably have to roll your own.

Why is rails so popular for web development?

Together with Django, Python’s most popular Web framework released the same year, Rails propagated the use of the MVC pattern and good development practices, such as the DRY principle. The Rails way of Web development unshackled devs from the tedious parts of coding, freeing them up to focus on the business features and logic of the app.

Is Ruby slower than other programming languages?

You could be told that: Ruby is an interpreted language and interpreted languages will tend to be slower than compiled ones Ruby uses garbage collection (though C#, which also uses garbage collection, comes out two orders of magnitude ahead of Ruby, Python, PHP etc. in the more algorithmic, less memory-allocation-intensive benchmarks above)